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Anabolic Steroids Experiences

Anabolic steroids & bodybuilding experiences

Federal Judge Strikes Down F.D.A.'s Ban on Ephedra

Friday, April 15, 2005

A federal judge in Utah today struck down the federal government's ban on the dietary supplement ephedra, which was pulled from the market last year after it was linked to more than 100 deaths.

The judge, Tena Campbell of the United States District Court in Salt Lake City, said that ephedra was a dietary supplement and that under rules of the Food and Drug Administration it was the government's burden to prove whether the supplement was harmful if taken in dosages recommended by the manufacturer. In this case, the judge said, the government had failed to do so.

Supplements that included ephedra have widely been used for weight loss and bodybuilding, but have been linked to 155 deaths, including that of Steve Bechler, a 23-year-old pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles, in 2003.

The F.D.A. ordered ephedra taken off the market in April 2004. The Nutraceutical Corporation, a Utah company that manufactured the supplement, sued to overturn the ban.

In a ruling dated Wednesday, the judge ordered the matter sent back to the F.D.A. "for further rulemaking consistent with the court's opinion" and said the agency must lift the ban on sales of ephedra until further review.

Judge Campbell said the F.D.A., in its review of the matter, had not provided research showing whether ephedra was harmful if taken at dosages of 10 milligrams per day of ephedra alkaloids recommended by Nutraceutical in its packaging.

In his 19-page ruling, Judge Campbell said that the government had determined that "a dietary supplement shall be deemed a food," and that under those rules governing the safety of food "the government must produce the preponderance of the evidence as to the harmful effects from the dietary supplement when used as recommended and suggested in the labeling."

"The F.D.A. must prove that any dose amount, no matter how small, presents a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury," the judge said. "The proper focus here is on the evidence the F.D.A. presented regarding the risks of low-dose" ephedra supplements.

An F.D.A. spokeswoman, Kimberly Rawlings, told news agencies that the F.D.A. was reviewing the decision.

The president of Nutraceutical, Bruce Hough, said in a statement that "the court's ruling clarifies the steps F.D.A. must take to comply with the law in its regulation of dietary supplements."

You can read the whole sentence at: http://anabolic-steroids.blogspot.com/ephedra.pdf
posted by Frank Mori, Friday, April 15, 2005 | link

Build muscle in your biceps

Sunday, April 03, 2005

I have just received many e-mails asking for advice. All they want bigger biceps. Well take a look at this past article about building muscle in your arms.

Biggest Biceps

Train Hard!
posted by Frank Mori, Sunday, April 03, 2005 | link

Baseball Steroids

Friday, April 01, 2005

Larry Starr was a major league baseball trainer for 30 seasons, 21 with the Cincinnati Reds and nine with the Florida Marlins. In 1974 he was the first trainer to bring weightlifting equipment into the clubhouse. The Reds won the World Series that season, and soon everyone in the bigs was getting big.

One year, Starr was at the Reds' spring training facility in Florida when he did a double-take as a minor leaguer walked into the clubhouse. The last time Starr had seen him, the player was about 160 pounds with sticks for arms and legs. He now was 38 pounds heavier, rippling with lean muscle.

Starr isn't dumb. He had been promoting offseason weight training among Reds players, but he also knew realistic from ridiculous. When the player confided to Starr that 38 pounds in three months were compliments of an anabolic steroid regimen, it didn't surprise Starr.

"He was a skinny little outfielder who came into spring training all of a sudden weighing 205, 210," says Starr, now an assistant athletic director at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. "He goes out and tears it up in spring training. He hit about .400 and hit a bunch of home runs and made the big league club."

The year: 1984.

What we know:

From 1900 to 1994, the major leagues averaged one home run per team per game only once, in 1987. Since 1995 it has happened every year. In 1992 the average was .72; eight years later it had increased 62.5 percent, to 1.17.

We know that from 1900 to 1994, the magical barrier of 50 home runs in a season was pierced 17 times. Since then, it has been done 18 times.

We know that Roger Maris hit 61 home runs in 1961 and that his record stood for 37 years. And that players have hit 61 or more six times since 1998.

What else we know:

Read the whole article at:

SignOnSanDiego.com > Sign on San Diego
posted by Frank Mori, Friday, April 01, 2005 | link