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Anabolic Steroids Experiences

Anabolic steroids & bodybuilding experiences

Detecting times of some Anabolic Steroids

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

This list is for information purposes only. This info is taken from different sources. I wrote there the longest detection times (Ie if somewhere were 3 months and somewhere 5 months, I took the 5 months). But please don't blame me if you use this list and you were caught...

  • 18 months = nandrolone decanoate
  • 12 months = nandrolone phenylpropionate
  • 5 months = boldenone undecyclate, metehenolone enanthate, trenbolone, trenbolone acetate, injectable methandienone
  • 3 months = testosterone-mix (Sustanon & Omnadren), testosterone enanthate , testosterone cypionate
  • 2 months = oxymetholone, fluoxymesterone injectable, stanozolol, formebolone, drostanolone propionate
  • 5 weeks = methandienone, mesterolone, ethylestrenole, noretadrolone
  • 3 weeks = oxandrolone, oral stanozolol
  • 2 weeks = testosterone propionate
  • 1 week = testosterone undecanoate
  • 4 days = clenbuterol

posted by Frank Mori, Tuesday, December 21, 2004