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Anabolic Steroids Experiences

Anabolic steroids & bodybuilding experiences

Anabolic steroids, just the facts

Friday, November 12, 2004

Recent statistics report that over 3 million athletes and bodybuilders in this country alone have used anabolic steroids. A recent Sports Illistrated article has stated that 90% of professional athletes have at one time taken some form of illegal perfomance enhancing drugs. This is amist a vast array of scare tactics, steroid testing, new steroid legislation, and education programs wich have been designed to directly put an end to their usage. The efforts that have been made to halt the usage of these drugs so far has been ineffective. The fact is that steroid use in this country is still growing and will continue to do so unless a new solution is devised.
The vast popularity of anabolic steroids is due to their powerful reaction on the body to help promote muscle mass and strength increases. Needless to say steroids therefore have a close relationship to the two factors of bodybuilding and improving athletic performance. These two factors are in turn directly related to the inherent need that man has to exert dominance over other males. This can be verbally, intelectually, physically, or aesthetically. In our society we have always praised the athletes that achieve the most amazing physical feats or that have achieved cosmetic perfection. Lets face it, having large muscle enhances confidence, strength, and physical attraction from the opposite sex which can lead to positive popularity. Being extra strong can also dramatically aid an individuals performance in most sports. A person that is in shape usually portrays a sense of control and enjoyment for their life that is envied by most. Anabolic steroids have been touted as the best and almost overnight way to achieve strength, power and an extraordinarry physique which leads to instant personal gratification. Steroids have been around for the past 40 years and have been used by athletes and bodybuilders as a means of enhancing cosmetic appearance, athletic performance and physical strength.

The Russians were the first to utilize these drugs with extreme success (primarily testosterone) to enhance athletic performance. Scientists soon discovered that they could chemically alter testosterone and remove most of its virilizing side effects. This was the birth of anabolic steroids. By the late 1950’s most of the anabolic steroids that are used today had already been invented. Their usage has since spread and they are now used and manufactured in virtually every country in the world. In addition to the afformentioned cosmetic and physical benefits of these drugs, anabolic steroids have also gained some valuable use in the medical community. Their most beneficial use is in the treatment of wasting syndrome that is associated with many diseases esspecially AIDS. New legislation is now being passed in this country so that anabolic steroids may be legally administered by prescription to AIDS patients. This will probably facilitate the ease of attaining pharmaceautical quality drugs by athletes in this country.
This country has strict laws that enforce and regulate the sale of anabolic steroids. This makes attaining these pharmaceutical drugs very difficult. Black market entrepaneurs have taken advantage of this opportunity and have made small fortunes selling steroids in their underground pharmacies. These “pharmacies” are usually a gym bag full of steroids in a gym locker room or bathroom. The biggest problem associated with black market steroid purchasing is the large possibility of acquiring drugs of uncertain consistency, quality, or potency. Counterfeit drugs are a widespread problem in this country and are related to a lot of the physical problems associated with steroid abuse.

As with every illicitly used drug today the user has to experience a “first time”. You don’t wake up one morning all of a sudden a junky unless you experience this “first time”. This usually occurs due to personal interest and or peer pressure. Many drug pushers promote steroid use among their peers to help make them more money. Then when the first couple of guys start blowing up like balloons there seems to be a chain reaction. All of the jocks and bodybuilders in and around that clique start taking an interest in these drugs and potentially try using them for their own overnight physical enhancement programs.Remeber that everyone wants to fit in and being strong and looking good helps. Anabolic steroids may be an easy short cut to a phenominal physique that will gain many young users much popularity and confidence. Many times natural bodybuilders that have reached their genetic potential will also experiment with anabolic steroids to further enhance their levels of strength and muscular development.
Most users of steroids do not research these drugs thoroughly before using them and just rely on the second hand information passed along to them by their dealer. This irresponsible use of steroids is an enormous factor which leads to the abuse of these drugs. Just think about this. The abuse of almost any substance known to man can hurt you. Taking an entire bottle of aspirin could definitely lead to a life threatening situation. What makes steroids any different? They’re not but their muscle building, fat burning and emotional lifting action on the mind and body can be extremely powerful and phsycologicaly addicting. These effects may leads to its use and extreme abuse.People are generally never completely satisfied with the results that they ahieve from using steroids because they know that if they use just a little bit more they will get just a little bit bigger and stronger. This thought cycle continues until the user is on a roller coaster of abuse that usually leads to an onslaught of physical and mental health problems. A lack of education about the safest ways to use these drugs also may contribute to these health risks.

There are generally two methods of delivery of anabolic steroids in the body. These delivery methods comprise of oral ingestion or intamuscullar injection. The most popular injectable forms of anabolic steroids used in America today (in order of popularity) are Deca-Durabolin, Testosterone Cypionate, Equipose and Sostenon 250. Injectable steroids tend to be less toxic on the liver than orals. This is because orals have an altered chemical composition that allows them to stay intact through the digestive process and through liver metabolism. This altered chemical configuration is the addition of an alkyl substitute on the 17th carbon position of the steroid molecule. Many people still like oral steroids better for obvious reasons ( You dont have to stick yourself and end up with a continuously sore rear end). The most popular of these oral steroids in the USA today are Anadrol 50, Winstrol v (stanazolol) and Primobolan orals.
The aformentioned steroids all have mixed androgenic and anabolic properties. So which ones are the most effective and have no or little side effects? Unfortunately all anabolic steroids have undesireable side effects. Typically the perfect steroid would be purely anabolic because the majority of the side effects associated with steroid abuse usually occur because of the drugs androgenic qualities. Some mild steroids such as Deca-durabolin, Winstrol V and Primobolan have minimal androgenic qualities and therefore would be considered ‘clean steroids’ or the safest to use. Highly androgenic steroids such as the testosterone’s and Anadrol 50 are the most potent steroids available. These high androgens are also the strongest anabolics and are favorites among bodybuilders looking for extreme results. They also have a high price tag which consists of high liver toxicity and adverse reactions on the hypothalimus-pituitary-testicular axis resulting in abnormal hormonal secretions. Long term use also results in receptor breakdown and can result in the inability for the steroids to aid in the muscle growth process.

In an attempt to reduce the risks associated with steroid abuse, and increase the benefits, many athletes have placed much emphasis on proper cycling of their steroids. They use different combinations of steroids throughout this cycle at specified times for their desired results. These combinations are called stacks. Some steroid stacks used by bodybuilders are more effective as bulking agents and are utilized in the off-season training. Others are better at cutting and are utilized in pre-contest preparation. As mentioned before cycling steroids also helps to prevent down regulation of receptor sites and makes the benefits obtained from particular steroids to be stronger and longer lasting.
The negative effects obtained from using steroids can be numerous and very serious. The media has sensationalized these side effects as scare tactics to some degree but the fact still remains that anabolic steroids can cause many adverse health related conditions. Remember that steroids are potentially very addicting. Users often lose most of the size and strength gains that they achieve while on steroid cycles . During this time they may also experience depression and anxiety because of the suppression of natural occuring androgens due to the steroid use. Many users never completely get off of the drugs because of this.
The list is quite long but here are some of the most common side effects associated with steroid use: sodium retention, acne, gynecomastia, aggression, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, palpitations, enlarged heart, virilization, cancer, decreased blood clotting ability, headaches, anxiety, depression, impotence, stomach aches, jaundice, muscle tears, enlarged prostate, premature hair loss, stunted growth, immune system suppression, insomnia, sterility, and anaphylactic shock.Although these risks are very real many individuals have decided to chose this path. And no matter what the consequences may or may not be from using steroids the fact is that people are going to keep on using them. All of the aformentioned scare tactics and legislation won’t curb the use of steroids. There is only one thing that will prevent an athlete determined to be the best at his(her) sport from doing steroids.... an effective steroid alternative.

posted by Frank Mori, Friday, November 12, 2004